How behaviour really works. (All human behaviour.)
As a long time advertising copywriter and creative director this simple, elegant model of looking at and influencing behaviour changed everything for me. The life’s work of Stanford University Professor BJ Fogg, it also became central to my work as an adman after BJ trained me. An effective and ethical way for advertising agencies and innovative brands to influence human behaviour and do good in the world, The Fogg Behaviour Model helps us look at human behaviour through a new and powerful lens, and so design and implement more effective solutions for our clients. While the systematic 7 step models and methods of Behaviour Design take the guesswork out of our work.
I’m an advertising copywriter and Creative Director.
I started out as an intern, and ended up as a judge on the D&AD Copy Jury.
And then in 2016 something happened to me.
I got to know Professor BJ Fogg of Stanford University.
Talk about standing on the shoulders of giants. (He’s 6’3” btw.)
Since then, he’s mentored me in my work as a Creative Director at The Do Lectures, in a thing called ‘Behaviour Design’. (Along with entrepreneurs, strategists and marketeers from some of the most innovative companies on the planet.)
So what is Behaviour Design?
Behaviour Design is to Behavioural Science, what Apple is to Microsoft.
Macs to PC’s.
iPhone to Android.
Both super-useful in their own way, but one of them helps you think different.
Behaviour Design is a new way to look at influencing human behaviour.
A simple, elegant and powerful 7-step process to figure out why people do what they do. And why they don’t.
Nailing the psychology on which to hang award-winning creative ideas.
Without guesswork.
Using proven principles and protocols, models and methods, to understand, analyse and design solutions that can influence human behaviour for the better.
Quickly, simply and with impact to the max.
Whose behaviour?
Well for starters your target audience. (Obvs.)
But also; how about your own?
And everybody who works for you.
• And everybody you work for.
• Not forgetting your competitors and your clients.
All. Human. Behaviour. (Boom right there.)
If you’re an advertising agency, in-house marketing, product, sales or strategy team, a start-up, VC, government, charity, B-Corp or CEO you’re in the behaviour change business. [You always were. You knew that.]
But do you know how behaviour really works?
Do you know the 3 things that absolutely have to come together before any behaviour will happen?
Do you have a quick way to identify who is your customer and who isn’t,
(And in the process answer that age-old marketing problem; “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.”)
Do you know what the top 10 mistakes in behaviour change are?
And, (perhaps most importantly if you’re an advertising agency), how to generate regular recurring revenue from an expertise in Behaviour Design?
I can fill in these blanks for you.
I started my training with BJ Fogg in 2017; certifying and graduating at his Behaviour Design Bootcamp in California 2 years later in September 2019. (Phew!)
I can tell you both as a Creative Director, and Behaviour Designer, what the winning ticket is when it come to influencing customers, clients and users.
If you’d like to arrange a quick, informal, no-commitment chat to find out more, just hit the button below.
I look forward it.